Choose Membership Plan

Base Membership

  • : Access to Microsoft exam voucher
  • : Access to training videos and hand-on webinars
  • : Learn for experts
  • : Access to latest technology news and how-to guides
  • : Rewards from accrued points
* To become a Base Member, you must:
  • Hold IT Manager/ Administrator Role
  • Agree Blog use policy

Prime Membership

  • : Access to Microsoft Multiple exam vouchers
  • : Access to Microsoft training content
  • : Access to free 1st level support via chatbot
  • : Access to MVC reward
  • : Access to Microsoft expert community
  • : Referral rewards
  • : Gladiators Badge and more
* To become a Prime Member, you must:
  • Hold IT Manager/ Administrator Role
  • Agree Blog use policy
  • Agree to the Prime User engagement clause
  • Work for organization with minimum employee size of 400.